Join a Menopause Party
Book TodayDemystify Menopause
The M Word
So much mystery seems to surround peri-menopause, menopause and beyond. We often hear women say – Is it the menopause? It can’t be … I’m too young; I’m still having periods; I’ve not had any hot flushes, so no it’s not menopause…. or is it?
You can’t manage what you don’t understand. Let’s fix that.
We have designed a straightforward solution, that’s fun, to help women of all ages learn about the hormone highway linked to menopause, the symptoms, lifestyle solutions, medical treatment, facts and myths. For booking details please view the brochure or send us a message below.
What is a Menopause Party?
Join us in an exclusive Meno Party Zoom
The topics we cover are based around all things female and menopause related, including some intimate terminology. Do make sure anyone you invite knows this. The Zoom event is FREE to attend.
Hear about the story of Hormonal Decline
Menopause is inevitable. You cannot opt-out or choose a different route. It makes sense therefore, to have the full ‘terms & conditions’, alongside your Menopause Manual and be aware of what is happening and why.
Symptoms versus Consequences
Symptoms are only part of the story – anxiety, loss of confidence and brain fog (a fuzzy feeling) often go unnoticed, but have far-reaching consequences to our long term health. Find out how to support yourself and each other.
Demystify the menopause today!
View/Download the brochure for more details or send us a message to get started.
Find out the next available date to join in a mixed group, or plan your own meno-party