MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Nutrition that soothes the soul Fiona Catchpowle 14 June 2021 It’s called #RealFood Hormonal shifts, such as perimenopause, can create a cascade of inflammation in our minds & bodies. Inflammation adds to symptoms in a negative way. Our...
MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Wheat-free Wednesday Fiona Catchpowle 10 February 2021 This week I am launching #WheatFreeWednesday At any point in our lives, not just during midlife and beyond, we should be seeking out nutrition to fuel our body in a way that serves us well. When...
MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Stress, Peri/Menopause & Wonder Woman Fiona Catchpowle 18 January 2021 What do stress, peri-menopause, menopause and beyond have in common with Wonder Woman? This is not a knock-knock joke, but basically we are all naturally ‘Wonder...
MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Find your controllable factors Fiona Catchpowle 10 January 2021 When your menopausal hamster wheel is turning round and around, it’s hard to know which way to turn. Keeping a food & mood diary may sound simplistic as a potential band-aid, but it...
MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Menopause Mechanics and String Theory Fiona Catchpowle 9 January 2021 Is this you? Perimenopause has finally reached your airspace; except the information out there is confusing and you can’t see the wood for the trees, don’t know which way to turn...
MY MENOPAUSE DIARY Mind over Matter Fiona Catchpowle 8 January 2021 The psychological changes that may happen during hormonal decline come in a few guises. Some may well come and go in waves, some may last a while, but putting them in to perspective is crucial. ∞...